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Friday, January 23, 2009

my comment

First thank you too all the people who showed up to support the dogs. And to all the people who left comments showing how ridiculous this bill is and other peoples comments are. I am an owner of two pit bulls and they are the calmest laziest dogs I have ever met. Both my dogs are fixed, have their shots, are registered and have tracking tags in their necks. So to those of you who say the only people who have pit bulls are low lifes who can't afford them, I offer you a chance to rethink your comments! I have had my vet say that she has been bit by more labs than pit bulls. Pit bulls have been bread to come with clean personality slate and they really do take on the personality of their owners. The problem is that some people resort to violence when their dog won't behave instead of teaching their dog the right way to act. My dogs defiantly know better when it comes to aggression at any sign of aggression out of them even the slightest growl or stance they automatically get the "naughty" signal and that's the end of that they mind very well because we have trained them to. I have also been bitten by a dog, it was a Pomeranian and the owner told the dog to bite my and yes it bled and left a scar but i don't hate that dog for it it was the owners choice to do that. Saying that all Pits are bad is like say that guns kill people or that the reason the kids in this country are Poorly mannered is because of video games. Its not a parenting problem, no no, its a gun/video game problem. This situation is not the dogs problem its the owners and i totally agree that it should be a case by case thing. If you ban all the pit bulls people will find another breed to pick on. I love my dogs and they love the people who stood up for them thank you again.

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